Read these powerful testimonies from those who know and love Nikki:
I've never met anyone who loved and lived for her kids as much as she does. She would do ANYTHING for them. They need to be in her arms again.
– Cassie
I was always so impressed by Nikki’s gentleness and her inherent understanding of the emotional needs of young children. We spoke often of the joys and challenges of early childhood, and I had offered her to come and work with me that year. When she is released, the offer still stands.
Nikki endured horror at home and still always worried about everyone else. She has a heart of gold.
– Lindsay
Nikki has been my best friend for 27 years. I can’t even begin to put into words what she has meant to me in my life. Not because of the amount of time i have known her but because during that time the content of her character has always been loving compassionate kind warm intelligent sincere among so many other beautiful qualities. During our friendship we both moved numerous times but we always maintained our friendship no matter the distance. We have been through really traumatic experiences together which in a way created an unbreakable bond between us. My trauma led me down a path of addiction but Nikki was never anything but supportive of me, trying to help me procure rehabilitation for myself. Nikki has always put others ahead of her own needs, forgoing sleep to drive down to comfort me in my times of crisis. We have always made time for each other regardless of the busy circumstances of our lives. I’m an only child but my higher power put a sister into my life anyway, and I couldn’t have been more blessed than to be able to have Nikki as my soul sister.
When I started my photography business, I went to Nikki for guidance. You can only imagine the love and support I received from her.
– Karissa
Whenever I hear birds chirping, I think of Nikki.
The moment I met Nikki I could see her light. She is an articulate, compassionate, polite, kind woman who has such strength. She is a healer herself. She is more than her story. She is a symbol, a lovely strong soul, too blatant to ever forget.
Nikki used the words someone wrote to her in jail and used them to create art.
I struggled with depression and guilt throughout my pregnancy and Nikki was one of the amazing women who helped me through. She checked on me all the time, letting me know my feelings were normal, and ok. I knew she was suffering her own battle, and was amazed at how brave and selfless she was towards me, with what she was dealing with. My heart is so broken for this beautiful soul.
- Paige
I knew Nikki when she was in high school. I was her teacher. I remember her as a kind, compassionate, reserved and conscientious student as well as an accomplished athlete.
– Mary Ann
I have known Nikki since we were children and there is so very much I can say that speaks to who she is and her character, but the clearest example I have is this:
In October 2015, Nikki and I became neighbors. We literally shared cups of sugar - or tape on Christmas Eve when we were wrapping gifts. Our children are close in age, and became fast friends. In May 2016, there was an apartment fire in the building next to ours. Following an explosion and a heavy knock at my door by a firefighter, my girls and I ran out of the burning building and into the arms of Nikki: who was running in for us. If there is anything that shows who Nikki is, that is it. She was literally running into a burning building for me and for my girls.
I have a picture from that day. The day she made her house was a haven for us even when it was the belly of the beast for her.
I will never stop running into the flames for her and I know that from these ashes we will all rise.
- Melanie
Nikki is comforted by her sister Michelle in June 2018. She was due to go back to jail the following day, and was feeling grief and terror over having to leave her children again.
I met Nikki the summer before 3rd grade. She moved into my neighborhood, without knowing it was the best neighborhood in town. Nikki and her aunt got locked out of her new house and came to mine looking for help. From there, we became best friends at 8 years old. Our teacher called us "CNN." We got the only 2 brown recorders that we played hot cross buns on. I still have a box full of folded up notes that we wrote back and forth all through elementary school. We had a club house in her closet and her basement where we drew suns with faces. I remember swimming in her pool and swinging on her tire swing. I remember her saving baby birds and all animals in need. We recently reconnected before the incident. We would always keep in contact but we started to hang out again. I know how much she loves her children. She has the biggest heart and deserves to be with her family more than anyone.
- Cassie
“Nikki is a powerful woman. She holds onto light but lest we forget it’s not with ease. She actively chooses life, love, and courage when it would be easier not to. I’ve admired her as a mother, as an artist, as a friend who wants you to see things with better perspective. Who, with a hurting body reaches out and says to you, “how can I help?”
She is a beautiful soul. You can literally see the love she has for her children.
– Debby
Nikki with her sister Michelle (left), and dear friend Elizabeth (right) when she was briefly released from jail in June 2018. Nikki is a vegetarian and there were very few things in the jail she could eat, causing her to lose a lot of weight. This was also the first time since September 2017 that she had been outdoors.
I met Nikki when our oldest kids were in preschool together. Ben and Ruby had become fast friends and enjoyed playing and making art together. Although I can get along with most people, I don’t always make a great connection to everyone. But Nikki, she was different. We clicked right away, and I felt so comfortable with her.
I cried for days upon hearing the news of her conviction. I picture the love between her and her kids and how everyone hurts so badly in this situation. It’s almost unbearable.
When she was going through trial, I was out of town for much of the first two weeks, and I wanted to send her my love, so I brought her a meal that nourishes and warms the body and has healing properties. I dropped some off to Nikki along with some other food before leaving town, and she wrote to me later to say that she ate it, and how nourished she felt, and how hard it had been for her to eat food, but this somehow hit the spot. I cooked it again and brought her one more food drop off of this meal during the later part of her trial. When I visited her in jail a few days after her conviction, she told me that she was unable to eat the food being served in jail, and how she would imagine the taste of this meal I had made. My heart has broken a thousand times for Nikki and the unimaginable ways she has been suffering. As I decided to make this meal last night, I prayed for Nikki the entire time. I wish I could bring it to her. I wish that she could eat this today.
Whenever I saw Nikki with her children, it was evident that she is an incredibly protective mother.
- Elizabeth
I sent Nikki a book of prayers written and illustrated by a colleague of mine, and Nikki responded that she had been doing some art therapy of her own. These words were written at the top of that letter from her: “Hope is the Only Thing Stronger Than Fear”
- Wanda
I was just starting to get to know Nikki in September 2017 as my daughter was in preschool with Ben. I had been chatting with Nikki on Instagram the spring before when I knew the kids would be in school together. Without even really knowing me (we had some mutual friends), Nikki told me all about the preschool and how much she loved it for Ben. Her rave review was so helpful to me as I knew she had an early childhood ed background. Nikki was always so heartfelt in her messages. We would message about our kids and motherhood in general. Once the school year started, we would chat about what the kids were doing in school.
My son was born right before the trial began, and at the end of my pregnancy when Nikki was out on bond, she was so excited for me. Nikki would check in as often as she could asking me how I was feeling. Even while she was awaiting this horrific trial, her excitement for me and interest in how my family and I were doing was palpable. When my son was born, Nikki messaged me multiple times asking how I was doing, how my daughter was adjusting, how baby was nursing, all of the important questions to ask a mom with a new baby.
I see a theme among people who know Nikki: That even through her horror and darkness, she is one of the most genuine and compassionate women I’ve ever met. She reaches out and always offers care and love. To be truly engaged in a conversation with me about my family and my new baby when there was so much else for her to care about is something I won’t ever forget.
I got to see Nikki briefly and give her a quick hug during the trial, and she got to quickly meet my son. I’m so glad she did. Now my daughter is in preschool with Faye, and I look forward to the day when we can make good on those plans to meet at a park with our kids and chat about motherhood and life again.
- Fiona
Nikki and Michelle’s mom passed away in February 2019 from cancer. She was able to visit, embrace, and care for her mom in her last days.
I met Nikki when she rented my condo from me. Ben was almost a year old. Nikki and I became fast friends from the moment she came to look at the condo. There are so many nice things to say about Nikki. She has always been one of my “go to” mommy friends. She never made me feel crazy or ridiculous when I asked questions about pregnancy. When my son was born and in the NICU in Westchester, Nikki texted me daily to see how we were doing. Even if I couldn’t text back, she always was sure to reach out while we were there. When my husband and I were finally able to bring our baby home we arrived to find a package from Nikki. In the package we found a homemade nautical blanket, homemade slippers, and a homemade teething ring for our baby. While Nikki was going through such horrible abuse in her home, she made my baby such beautiful things. This quote really makes me think of her. I will keep fighting for her, I will always stand with her: “Even in darkness, it is still possible to create light”
- Lori
I first met Nikki about 2 years ago at a music together class and I remember how sweet and gentle she was with Ben. At the end of class Ben played his guitar for the teacher and it was beautiful to witness how much he loved music. Not long after Arthur signed up for gymnastics and Ben was in Arthur’s class. I was embarrassed by the fact Arthur didn’t want to do the warmup and he just ran off. Nikki came over to me to tell me all about how Ben used to do the same when he first started and made me feel at ease about it all. Running in to her on the Walkway with her littles, or just anywhere is something I hope to have happen again one day soon.
- Jayme
I connected with Nikki after seeing her post her incredible baby slippers in a local crafters page. I immediately reached out and we chatted for what seemed like hours about pregnancy, babies, crafting, and of course the amazing slippers! I ordered my first pair and she went out of her way to find a beautiful girly, paisley pattern, as we were naming our baby girl Paisley.
After the first pair I was hooked. Not only was she incredibly talented, but she was SO kind every time we spoke. She told me that making these slippers was how she was able to stay home with her babies, and still be able to provide them a great Christmas every year. She stayed up to the wee hours making these precious items for others.
I often found myself mesmerized by Nikki’s posts with and about her children. She was to me someone I looked up to as a mom. Someone I aspired to be more like. I look forward to the day when I can see those amazing posts again, and when her babies are back where they belong.
- Kristen