Nikki Addimando Clemency Outreach Instructions

Contact Information for Governor Hochul


Send message via website

Fill out the form with your contact information

  • Topic: From the dropdown menu, select Criminal Justice

  • Subject: What Happened to Nikki Addimando’s Clemency Application?

  • Message: When are you going to address Nikki Addimando’s Clemency Application?  Her application deserves your time and attention.  She should be freed now.

Call to express your support

(518) 474-8390

  • When prompted, press 3

  • When prompted again, press 1 to leave a message OR press 2 to speak with a live person, but be prepared to be put on hold.

  • Say: “Hello, my name is [insert your first and last name] and I am calling from [insert city, state, zip code]. I am calling to ask Governor Hochul when she is going to address Nikki Addimando’s Clemency Application? Her application deserves her time and attention. She should be freed now.